The vagina naturally cleanses itself. It does this by maintaining the acidic pH balance and releasing white discharge. However, that is not to say that many women don’t experience yeast infections or complications due to bad intimate hygiene. Yoni or Intimate washes are used to maintain feminine hygiene – to keep the area clean and avoid bad odour or even infections.
While your regular soap and gel do a good job of cleaning your body, they may not be specially designed for the unique pH-level of your intimate area. Our bodies have a pH-level of 5.5 while our intimate area is pH-4.5. So regular soaps and cleansers could potentially affect the intimate skin area.
An intimate wash specifically designed for the intimate area is the only type of wash you should use around your vagina. Never insert any creams or lotions, or soaps in your vagina, as that may disrupt the pH balance. Soaps in and around the area are also a bad idea, and that is because these soaps and shower gels are designed for the rest of the body and not the intimate area.
This Intimate mousse cleanser formulated with plant extract essential oils is perfect for hygienic, refreshing and protective action. With a vulvar physiological pH to gently clean the intimate area respecting the superficial balance of the skin and mucous membranes. The mousse texture allows a smooth application without the need for friction or discomfort in the area. Dermatologically and gynecologically tested.
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